Saturday, June 21, 2008

Green Rage! Well at least really angry.

Went to see the new Hulk film with the wife last night. It was pretty good. Lots of good CG moments, and the story line was more straightforward than Ang Lee's offering. Not quite the same caliber as Iron Man, though. I think it was the casting. Jeff Bridges just made for a much better "clever" bad guy than Tim Roth who was more of the traditional man/monster type. The chemistry was much better between Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow as well.

That being said the latest Hulk film is not a "reboot" and assumes you're going to get a lot of the nods to both the comic books and the old TV series (of which I was surprised that there were quite a few: the gamma radiation chair setup, the green eyes in the dim light, Banner walking in the rain, Bill Bixby on the TV set, Lou Ferrigno as a security guard, etc...). If Stan Lee's cameos get any larger they're going to have to start paying him a lot more than usage rights.

I don't know if they are going to make any more (who am I kidding), but they did set up for a major Hulk villain by introducing Samuel Sterns and his gamma experimentation (SPOILER: I'll save you the google or wikipedia hunt. The professor who tries to help cure Banner of being the Hulk is Samuel Sterns, who due to gamma radiation exposure becomes the hyper intelligent "Leader." Its a reverse on the classic hero outsmarts the bad guys through superior ingenuity and intelligence. Here the hero beats the nerdy smart villain using brute strength). Good popcorn flick, but there is a little violence that might be too much for the kiddies, particularly in the Hulk/Abomination fight at the end.

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