Tuesday, July 1, 2008

One day at a time.

For those of you who follow Amaryllis's blog, she left a pretty detailed post on the last few months. It would make a for the Hallmark movie of the week, except we don't know how it ends yet.

The boys have been enjoying taekwondo. Since they made it through their first session, we went ahead and got them their uniforms. The last class of this last session the instructor paired them up to practice dodges and punches with the gloves. It was a kids dream come true. A responsible adult actually put two brothers together and told them to wail on each other. The instructor is wonderful gentleman, who does an excellent job of mixing technique with philosophy and integrity. At $35 for 15 classes (1.5 hours each) its a pretty good deal too.

I'm still waiting to find out when I go to the University of Utah Medical Center. After finding out it would take 4 months to see a specialist in Billings. I just went ahead and asked my neurologist to refer me to the U. I don't want to wait four months to discuss one or two possibilities, when I can spend a week in Salt Lake and run through a dozen or so. It's not the Mayo, but we should be able to get to the bottom of it. Right now I just cruise around on maintenance meds that don't resolve anything, but allow me to function enough to work an 8-10 hour day. I can live with the odd twitching and cramping for now, its the fatigue that knocks me flat (In case you're wondering, Provigil is a nice light alternative to amphetamines. Kind of like eight cups of coffee without the bitter aftertaste or cream).

1 comment:

Charles said...

Maybe it is just RLS, the Wyoming flatlands and a lot of stress.
Let me know when you are coming and you can stay here with me. Aunt Diane would be closer and has more beds and grass, but if you want to you can stay here.