Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th O' July

We had a lot of fun this 4th of July, including doing something that I was told may have been a felony (Not going to post it here ;P... You can e-mail me for the incriminating details).

We went to a friends house that gave a decent view of the creek valley to see snips of the various shows and personal displays. We just picked up a handful of sparklers and some snakes (Yes, bro snakes, and not even the largest one in Colorado either). The other families had shelled out a hundred dollars or so each in rockets and assorted explosives. I felt kind of bad because the neighbors were on their deck enjoying a quiet evening, and no matter where we set the fireworks they seemed to hit their house. They were good natured about it, but I bet they go away next 4th o' July.

We took some family photos, which Amaryllis has posted a handful on her blog. Family members do not despair. I'll get you some without Amaryllis's copyright on the corner (5 dollars for an 8 x10... 2 dollars more gets you some Kate original fridge art. She's going through a blob man phase that's cute right now, and very detailed for her age. Just scares me she might be drifting into Salvador Dali territory, or at least here creations have a Lovecraftian edge... "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn." If you understand that you need to stop right now, and get some air. I love parenthetical comments. A complete justification for disconnected near stream of consciousness writing. Faulkner, eat your heart out).

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