Sunday, April 27, 2008

Entering Blogspace

Robert might be the gadget geek, but Amaryllis rules the net in our house. I thought I would have the reigning title having started with e-mail in '94, and still getting a nostalgic glow talking about using gopher back when the only meaningful things BYU had on their servers were scripts for The Princess Bride and Monty Python and the Holy Grail (I went to Utah State by the way, Aggies all the way :P).

I spent many an hour NannyMud in a telnet window when the phrase MMORPG referred either to a a pyramid scheme or a really crappy health care plan. I used UNIX for ArcInfo when I started learning GIS. I got twitterpated when USU actually created a navigation system for the academic databases (pre-Jstor even).

Amaryllis is part of the new generation. It started innocuously at first. She asked what I thought about having her own web page for her Close to My Heart (c)(tm)(lic.)(Oh gosh have I violated the terms of use in my first post) ventures. I thought it was a good idea, I mean how much trouble could be caused with a templated web page that you could drop in a little html for finesse now and then. Then I noticed the Google Talk icon in the menu tray. "Gmail what's Gmail sweetheart. What do you mean I have to be invited to join?"

I have been a longtime lurker on a number of forums, but the day I walked into the living room and caught Amaryllis posting on one made me white with fear. I was losing my grip. Soon she would be telling me shortcuts in MSOffice, and giving me that little look as she leaned over the keyboard to find a command nested three menues deep.

Facebook broke me, and I finally had to wade into the water. Why was everyone trying to hug me, poke me, sell me, and invite me to play Frogger? After I got the hang of Facebook, Amaryllis thought it was time for me to think about my own blog... "It's easy dear. It's all templated, but you can insert html if you want..." I cried like a child.

So here I am. My own little presence on the web. Amaryllis, how do I attach a photo to this thing...


mE said...

Hey R!!!!

It's about time ! Welcome to the blog world!

Inky Smiles!

Anarchist Planner said...

Thanks... A big step for me. I always worry about starting something like this. I'm never sure if I will find the time to update. Most blogs I read are updated daily. Probably won't be my motto, but I will try to keep everything from getting too stale.